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About the Artist

My name is Jillian (or Jill, either is fine), and when it comes to art, I love making creative designs that feature color and creature designs, often with a lot of influence from nature, anatomy, or fantasy. Artwork that can create a feeling of escapism is one of my favorite things to try to do. In college, I am studying to learn more about digital art, illustration, and animation as part of my Art Practices major, but I am also studying a Computer Science minor, and I have a job in IT. In fact, one of the classes I'm most excited for is a Computer Graphics class taught through the Computer Sciences department. I love looking at the ways art and technology can overlap like this, and I particularly love doing digital art because of the color options and versatility of it. I also particularly like animation, and even for still pieces, I try to create motion so it looks like it's moving. Art means a lot to me, and as someone who is generally a pretty quiet person, I want my art to be able to speak for me and tell a story or create an idea without it having to be said. I think one of the greatest things about art is the fact that it has existed throughout history and it can be created for fun or to generate a lot of meaning. Art can be a lot of things, and it can mean a lot, or nothing at all.

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